
e esses dias sonhei
que tinham me escalpelado
e eu andava por aí sem a tampa da cabeça
era tratamento de alguma doença
e que aflição me dava saber o cérebro vivo molhado pra fora
podendo acontecer um acidente cair alguma coisa nele chuva poeira que fosse

quando acordei fiquei sem me mexer
levei a mão ao cocoruto com medo que doesse



The brain is by far the stupidest part of man's being, but it is base and bolde enough to present itself as a great pioneer, and lives lavishly on the praise procured for it by this false appearance. That a higher concentration of knowledge is to be found in the heart than in any other bodily organ, including the brain, is borne out by the fact that it constantly bleeds. Something like a hemorrhage would be required to catapult the brain to the heart's level.

(esse cara é full of bullshit. o corpo inteiro sangra. o sangue espraia)

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